Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss Chapter 457

December 29, 2016

Chapter 457

Ahhhh… loving the face slapping chapters~

Here’s another extra dose of happiness brought to you by our wonderful supporter Robert Kamaka!

Wooooooooots! Let’s throw Robert Kamaka up in the air and cheer like mad! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray!!!

*clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*

Sorry if your comments got wiped out for chapter 455, cos we had to load everything from backup which did not include chapter 455… *sheepish smile* so please do feel free to comment again! Love reading all your comments and as for the mobile site, as mentioned earlier, next time it’s gonna be the desktop version, but we are going to make everything much easier to read and bigger fonts.. let’s hope that’ll be done soon and also we’ll be posting over at Moon Bunny Cafe once a day instead of every chapter…

Ahhhh… all the housekeeping as the end of the year catches up… hope the procrastination bug goes away…

Let’s get ready for the New Year!




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