Z: Ahhh, it’s been quite some time since a status update eh? I do have to apologise for the recent hectic and irregular releases, but I promise I will go back to normal now. So how is everyone? I hope you are doing fine like me, except for today. I cut my 2 most important typing fingers on the tomate slicer today T_T, so it hurts when I try to type………I can only blame myself. Enough about that, I hope you enjoy today’s chappy~~~
Soooooo sorry for the late post. (And I actually fell asleep while posting it last night.. *sheepish smile*..)
And so I’ve been living out of boxes as my wardrobes weren’t ready yet and they were finally installed. So from a mountain of boxes in my place..it’s finally becoming a hill… I can see some floor now… hooray! Work has been very crazy as well… had my company’s annual dinner as well… it was one of those times where you wish you had an artifact that could let time pass by slowly while you try to accomplish a hundred and one things… or a time accelerator…hahahah so I sincerely apologise for posting everything so late…
Here’s the start of your happy dose galore~
Happiness Translated by Z!
*clap clap clap*
Thank you for the chapter 😁. I hope your fingers will heal soon, Z 😟. Great to see thing is going great for you, Misty 😊.